How To Make a Fabric Rose

Everyone loves to know how to make the beautiful crafts they see on Pinterest or FaceBook, right? Well here is my tutorial on making a beautiful Fabric Rose. It is very unique, simple to do and quite beautiful.
Please share your ideas, comments and successes on my blog page. Thank you!
Please share your ideas, comments and successes on my blog page. Thank you!
Step One

Start with a square of fabric that is 4 times larger than the rose you want to end up with. As you can see this square is 11x11 inches.
Step Two

Fold fabric diagonally right sides together and sew up one of the open sides.
Step Three

Hand sew four gathering lines, refer to step five for example of stitching. (the white lines simply show you where I stitched my gathering lines on one side and then in step four on the other side.)
Step Four

This example shows the fourth gathering line.

To hand sew that gathering stitch, start at the tip and stitch toward the open end. Progressively make the stitches further and further apart. Each stitch should barely grab the fabric so that the stitches barely show on the right side. When you reach the open side cut the thread leaving at least 3 inches loose.
Step Six

Turn fabric right side out. The project should look like an elongated cone.
Step Seven

Don't worry about getting the tip pushed out when turning the cone right side out. The indented tip will look great as the center of the bud.
Step Eight

Pull the loose ends to gather the fabric.
Step Nine

Tuck the edges to the back and flip the rose over.
Step Ten

Play with the folds of the rose to get the desired look. Glue or sew the back side ends in place, knot the gathering threads and trim off the excess.
Step Eleven

Your Fabric Rose is done and ready for embellishing your favorite jacket, headband, shirt, purse or what have you.To add your rose to your favorite accessory you can either stitch it down, sewing between the petals, or use fabric glue.
If you followed the instructions and made your first Fabric Rose, Congratulations!
Please leave comments on my Blog page and tell me how you did. Share pictures by email and on Pinterest or FaceBook. I look forward to seeing your accomplishments!
[email protected]
If you followed the instructions and made your first Fabric Rose, Congratulations!
Please leave comments on my Blog page and tell me how you did. Share pictures by email and on Pinterest or FaceBook. I look forward to seeing your accomplishments!
[email protected]